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相控阵雷达扫描方式对回波强度测量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
有源数字阵列雷达的波束设计非常灵活,可变的波束宽度和多波束模式不仅可以满足不同任务的观测需求,还可有效节约扫描时间,但阵列天线参数随波位改变的特性对相控阵天气雷达回波强度的精确定标提出了挑战。2013年4—6月,中国气象科学研究院与安徽四创电子股份有限公司联合研发的X波段一维有源相控阵天气雷达 (X-PAR) 进行了装配后的首次测试观测。对比该雷达与相同位置的C波段双线偏振雷达 (C-POL) 观测资料发现,X-PAR不同宽度的扫描波束均能取得较合理的观测资料。但由于各模式的雷达方程及其标定方法不尽相同,并受到阵列天线照射体积、展宽波束和发射增益的影响,造成X-PAR回波强度存在一定的测量偏差。结合天线参数分析和实际数据统计将测量偏差订正至±1 dB内,为雷达的进一步调试和改进提供了依据。  相似文献   
We investigated whether species richness, diversity and density of understory herbaceous plants differed along logging(gap) and grazing(primarily by cattle) disturbance gradients, and sought to identify drivers of richness, diversity and density of understory vegetation of logged sites. A factorial experiment was conducted in the mixed conifer forest of Gidakom in Western Bhutan. Levels of the logging treatment included small(0.15 – 0.24 ha), medium(0.25 – 0.35 ha) and large(0.36 – 1.31 ha) gaps. The grazing treatment included grazed(primarily by cattle) and ungrazed(where herbivores were excluded by a fence) plots nested within each gap. Data were collected from 12 gaps(4 replicates at each level of logging) using the point intercept method. Shannon Weaver Diversity and Margalef's indices were used to estimate species diversity and describe species richness, respectively. Soil samples were analyzed for pH and nutrients. The interaction effect of logging and grazing was significant(p≤0.001) only on species diversity. Relative to ungrazed areas, species diversity was significantly higher(0.01≤p≤0.05) in medium grazed gaps. Under grazed conditions, soil P was negatively correlated with gap size and species diversity. While species diversity was positivelycorrelated(0.01≤p≤0.05) with soil N in grazed plots species richness was positively correlated(0.001≤p≤0.01) with soil N in ungrazed plots. Relative density of Yushania microphylla and Carex nubigena were higher under ungrazed conditions. Our study suggests that the combined effect of cattle grazing and logging results in higher species diversity of understory vegetation in medium and grazed gaps in mixed conifer forests of Bhutan,whereas increase or decrease in relative density of major species is determined primarily by the independent effects of grazing and logging. From management perspective, forest managers must refrain from creating large gaps to avoid loss of nutrients(mainly P and N), which may eventually affect tree regeneration. Managers intending to maintain understory vegetation diversity must consider the combined effects of grazing and logging, ensuring low to moderate grazing pressure.  相似文献   
针对超宽带定位系统中存在多种误差影响定位精度的问题,本文全面分析了超宽带室内定位的误差源,给出了超宽带室内定位基本函数模型,提出了将电子元件延迟这一系统差与三维坐标同时作为参数进行估计,并通过高斯-牛顿迭代算法得到定位结果的方法。试验结果表明,该方法能有效消除位置系统偏差,两组静态试验均以全站仪测量结果作为真值,点位误差分别为4.1、2.3 cm,相较于已有方法分别提高了64%和87%,而动态试验结果更接近于参考轨迹,最大误差小于10 cm。  相似文献   
特征变量选择结合SVM的耕地土壤Hg含量高光谱反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨应用高光谱数据反演耕地土壤重金属汞(Hg)含量,对原始光谱进行10 nm重采样和SG平滑处理,用不同光谱变换数据与土壤重金属Hg含量进行相关性分析,采用IRIV、Random Frog和PCC提取光谱特征波段,分别建立SVM与GWO-SVM土壤Hg含量高光谱反演模型,获取Hg含量最优反演路径.研究表明,一阶微分变...  相似文献   
东秦岭二郎坪群和石界河群之间发现了一条强应变带(称之为回龙湾强应变带),呈NNW—SSE向延伸,面理置换强烈,韧性剪切变形特征明显,糜棱岩发育。该强应变带的发现表明,二郎坪群和石界河群之间既非不整合接触,也不是整合接触,而是断层接触关系。结合原岩建造、沉积环境和变质作用特征,作者认为二郎坪群和石界河群之间并非简单的地层学上的上下关系,而是两个近乎同时异地的变质地质体。  相似文献   
The dynamical behavior of asteroids inside the 2:1 and 3:2 commensurabilities with Jupiter presents a challenge. Indeed most of the studies, either analytical or numerical, point out that the two resonances have a very similar dynamical behavior. In spite of that, the 3:2 resonance, a little outside the main belt, hosts a family of asteroids, called the Hildas, while the 2:1, inside the main belt, is associated to a gap (the Hecuba gap) in the distribution of asteroids.In his search for a dynamical explanation for the Hecuba gap, Wisdom (1987) pointed out the existence of orbits starting with low eccentricity and inclination inside the 2:1 commensurability and going to high eccentricity, and thus to possible encounters with Mars. It has been shown later (Henrard et al.), that these orbits were following a path from the low eccentric belt of secondary resonances to the high eccentric domain of secular resonances. This path crosses a bridge, at moderate inclination and large amplitude of libration, between the two chaotic domains associated with these resonances.The 3:2 resonance being similar in many respects to the 2:1 resonance, one may wonder whether it contains also such a path. Indeed we have found that it exists and is very similar to the 2:1 one. This is the object of the present paper.  相似文献   
库车前陆褶皱冲断带自北向南可分为基底冲断带、箱状背斜带、梳状背斜带和挠曲褶皱带,东西方向上可分为西段、中段和东段。本文分段叙述了各变形带的变形特征,指出东段箱状背斜带不发育,秋里塔格山脉(构造带)东延未进入东段,因而总体看自西向东变形强度减弱,地形上趋于夷平。该冲断带的形成经历了两次重大的冲断活动,分别发生在中新世和早(-中)更新世;相应地,该带可分为南、北两个"盆""山"亚系统,两者在地层记录、变形期次和变形机制上尚有若干差异。库车前陆褶皱冲断带的发育,除了受南天山的冲断和向南扩展引起的近南北向挤压应力场控制外,还受到基底断裂在新生代的活化和膏盐层底辟的制约,前者以近北西向的构造变换带及其共轭发育的近北东向断层最为重要,后者既控制了秋里塔格山脉的形成(主要受垂直的挤压应力场作用),也在库车前陆褶皱冲断带东西方向的变形分段中起了重要作用。文章还讨论了变形与地貌发育的关系和在油气勘探中的指导意义。  相似文献   
GVR机载微波辐射计反演算法适用性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究GVR(G-band water Vapor Radiometer)机载微波辐射计自带反演算法在天津地区的适用性,将2016年北京探空资料分成春夏秋冬,对垂直累积液态水和垂直累积水汽的反演精度进行数值模拟检验。结果表明:垂直累积液态水反演精度随高度变化不明显,春夏秋冬4个季节反演结果相对偏差值范围分别为29%~78%、31%~71%、36%~67%、35%~79%,绝对偏差值范围分别为0.04~0.492 mm、0.075~0.294 mm、0.074~0.315mm、0.116~0.347mm;垂直累积水汽反演精度随高度降低(3000m以上降低更为明显),春、夏、秋、冬4个季节相对偏差3000m以下时分别为2.6%~20.8%、7.9%~19.1%、4.3%~16.5%、3.4%~14.2%,3000m以上时分别为6.4%~89.7%、12.5%~36.9%、13.2%~50%、11.8%~301%。与其他类型机载微波辐射计反演精度及GVR在北极地区地基观测反演精度相比,GVR自带反演算法在天津地区的垂直累积液态水和垂直累积水汽反演精度明显偏低。  相似文献   
水稻是孟加拉国、印度和缅甸最重要的粮食作物,研究中国超级杂交稻对孟印缅地区的水稻增产潜力,对于保障孟中印缅经济走廊的粮食安全与区域可持续发展具有重要的现实意义。在全面收集孟印缅地区气候、土壤、田间管理信息和农业统计数据的基础上,结合中国籼型杂交稻F优498和丰两优4号的品种信息和区试数据,通过EPIC模型模拟了1996-2005年雨季孟印缅3国在不同情景下的超级稻生产潜力,并分析了孟印缅地区主要胁迫因子对超级稻单产潜力的影响。研究表明:① 中国超级杂交稻在孟印缅地区2000年的灌溉和施肥水平下单产潜力为10.22 t/ha,在充分灌溉且合理施肥的水平下单产潜力为11.33 t/ha。② 孟印缅地区雨季稻的增产空间达22771万t,水稻增产潜力最大的地区是印度的恒河平原东部、印度半岛东南沿海与缅甸的伊洛瓦底三角洲。③ 印度德干高原东北部、西南部和印度大平原西北部需要进一步完善灌溉设备以满足高产水稻用水,缅甸的中南部平原地区和印度的东北地区则需要增施氮肥以满足高产水稻用肥。  相似文献   
水平衡下黄淮海平原区耕地可持续生产能力测算   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
雷鸣  孔祥斌  王佳宁 《地理学报》2018,73(3):535-549
为缓解黄淮海平原区地下水水位的持续下降,国家提出耕地资源休养生息的战略,而实施耕地资源休养生息的关键,是确保水平衡下的耕地资源可持续生产能力。本文从可持续理论和水平衡的条件出发,将黄淮海划分成12个自然条件、社会经济条件相对均一的农业生态区,采用不同农业生态区代表实验站限水高产的产量和管理经验,以水定产并逐步修正,得到了黄淮海平原区耕地可持续生产能力,并与现实产量对比得到产量差。结果表明:① 水平衡条件下黄淮海平原区耕地的可持续粮食生产能力为1.16亿t/年;② 可持续总产产量差为-67.85万t/年,由于限水灌溉造成的粮食产能损失为小麦331.84万t/年,玉米不存在产能损失;③ 小麦主要压产地区为黑龙港地区、鲁西平原、豫东平原以及京津唐平原,而徐淮低平原、豫东平原以及胶西黄泛平原具有一定的提产潜力。通过测算,进一步认识了黄淮海平原区耕地可持续产能状况,为区域粮食生产的合理布局以及农业限水限产提供可靠依据。  相似文献   
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